/Actions/orders taken against health practitioners/Marshall Neil Greer

17 Nov. 2020

Marshall Neil Greer

Former Medical practitioner

The Health Ombudsman took immediate registration action by imposing conditions on the registration of Dr Marshall Neil Greer, medical practitioner (MED0001394635), effective 17 November 2020.

The Health Ombudsman then varied the conditions, effective 23 Dec 2021.

Details of the practitioner’s registration, including the full list of imposed conditions, can be viewed on the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency website.

Scope of Practice

The conditions imposed include the requirements the practitioner:

  • Must not prescribe, possess, supply, administer, handle, dispense, access, check (hereafter referred to as access) including as emergency treatment supplies or doctor’s bag stock, any controlled drug or any medicines listed in Schedule 1 to these conditions. To remove any doubt:
    • a controlled drug means any pharmaceutical items containing any active ingredient listed within Schedule 8 of the Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Medicines and Poisons (the SUSMP) as contained in the Poisons Standard in accordance with the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 (Cth), as amended from time to time and as published at https://www.tga.gov.au/publication/poisons-standard-susmp
  • Must not prescribe, possess, supply, administer, handle, dispense, access, check (hereafter referred to as access) including as emergency treatment supplies or doctor’s bag stock, any drug which has a material purpose to assist with weight loss.
  • Must practise only in employment and at practice locations approved by the Health Ombudsman.

Approved employment and practice locations

The practitioner currently holds a non-practising registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency.

This means the practitioner is unable to practise as a medical practitioner, until such time the practitioner obtains general registration as a medical practitioner under the National Law (Qld) or a corresponding law of another state or territory of Australia.

Period of action or order

In accordance with section 62(2) of the Health Ombudsman Act 2013 (the Act), the decision will continue to have effect until the earlier of the following happens –

  • the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal sets aside the decision;
  • the Health Ombudsman removes the conditions under section 65 of the Act.