Where possible, OHO employees will attempt to resolve a service delivery complaint informally at first point of contact (e.g. on the phone or via email).

Where informal resolution is unsuccessful, a service delivery complaint can be lodged:

The OHO will meet the reasonable costs of services which assist people with hearing or vision impairments or who may require a translation and interpreting service.

  • The Queensland Government Translation and Interpreting Services are available for complainants who are unable to speak or write English. They are available at www.qld.gov.au/languages or by phoning (TIS National) on 131 450.
  • The National Relay Service is available for people with hearing or vision impairments (*133 677 TTY/Voice or 1300 555 727 (Speak and Listen).

A service delivery complaint should include:

  • name, address, email and telephone number
  • previous case reference number (if applicable)
  • a concise summary of the nature of complaint (e.g. why/how the service provided was of concern)
  • name/s of officers involved
  • the desired outcome/s if known.

Anonymous complaints are accepted however, it can be more difficult to investigate a complaint without all the relevant information.

Service delivery complaints should be made no later than three months after the day the complainant became aware of the action being complained about, in order to enable timely assessment and responsive management of the issues raised. If more than three months have passed since the action resulting in the complaint, consideration will be given on a case by case basis regarding any circumstances such as ill-health and/or personal issues impacting on the complainant’s ability to address the concerns. The assessment of the complaint will take into account any extenuating circumstances and the seriousness and complexity of the complaint.


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