/Actions/orders taken against health practitioners/Tania Leanne Bow

05 Jul. 2024

Tania Leanne Bow

Health care worker

The Health Ombudsman issued an interim prohibition order to Tania Leanne Bow on 5 July 2024.

The practitioner is prohibited from providing or supporting any health service, paid or otherwise, in a clinical or non-clinical capacity.

This means the practitioner must not provide any health services at all.

Period of action or order

In accordance with section 73(2) of the Health Ombudsman Act 2013 (the Act), the order continues to have effect until the earliest of the following happens –

  • the order ends under section 90H of the Act;
  • QCAT sets aside the decision to issue the order on application by the practitioner for a review of the decision;
  • the Health Ombudsman revokes the order under section 76 of the Act