//Health Ombudsman investigation into services delivered by assisted reproductive technology (ART) providers in Queensland

Health Ombudsman investigation into services delivered by assisted reproductive technology (ART) providers in Queensland

15 February 2024

The Office of the Health Ombudsman (the OHO) has begun investigating health services delivered by 24 licenced assisted reproductive technology (ART) providers in Queensland.

The investigation will examine any identified issues, non-compliance or adverse events associated with:

  • the handling of gametes and embryos, including collection, labelling, storage and transportation;
  • maximum donation and distribution of gametes within Australia;
  • screening techniques for gametes and embryos used in Queensland; and
  • record keeping including donor and recipient information sharing and compliance with updating records relating to changes in donor’s health information.

In line with this scope, the OHO will review current and closed complaints and enquiries it has received about health services provided by licenced ART providers in Queensland.

Records related to the compliance with the FSANZ/RTAC Code and Ethical Guidelines will also be obtained from RTAC.

The investigation aims to identify systemic issues affecting ART consumers in Queensland and will make recommendations to improve the practices and procedures of industry participants.

Outcomes and recommendations from the OHO’s investigation will complement the current work Queensland Health is undertaking in relation to likely legislative changes to the ART regulatory regime.

It will also inform effective implementation of the Queensland Government’s Legal Affairs and Safety Committee's report Inquiry into matters relating to donor conception information.