//Statement from Ahpra and the National Boards: No place for sexism, sexual harassment or violence in healthcare

Statement from Ahpra and the National Boards: No place for sexism, sexual harassment or violence in healthcare

30 June 2021

The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) and the National Boards have published a joint statement, No place for sexism, sexual harassment or violence in healthcare, to remind practitioners of their professional obligations and encourage speaking up about disrespectful behaviour and unprofessional conduct in healthcare.

Respect is a cornerstone of good, professional practice and it is fundamental to the Australian community’s trust in registered health practitioners.

"Speaking up when we see or experience disrespectful behaviour and addressing it helps build a culture of respect that supports patient safety," Ahpra CEO, Martin Fletcher, said.

There is no place for sexism, sexual harassment or gendered violence in healthcare. Ahpra and National Boards explicitly condemn this behaviour by registered health practitioners.

National Boards’ expectations of practitioner conduct and respectful, professional behaviour, including maintaining appropriate professional boundaries, are set out in National Board codes of conduct (or equivalent).

Practitioners must always treat patients, consumers, students, employees and colleagues with respect. They must always communicate professionally and respectfully with and about others, including when using social media.

You can read the full statement here.