/Orders against health practitioners/Wendy Fitzgerald

Wendy Fitzgerald

15 Mar. 2023

The practitioner must not possess, supply, administer, handle, dispense or check, including as emergency treatment supplies or doctor’s bag stock, any substance listed in Schedule 8 of the Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Medicines and Poisons (the SUSMP) as amended from time to time and as published at <https://www.tga.gov.au/publication/poisons-standardsusmp and/or pharmaceutical items containing any active ingredient listed within Schedule 8 of the SUSMP, other than when it is prescribed to the practitioner by a registered health practitioner for a genuine personal therapeutic purpose.

The practitioner must not possess, supply, administer, handle, dispense, access or check, including as emergency treatment supplies or doctor’s bag stock, any monitored medicine listed in Schedule 2, Part 4 of the Medicines and Poisons (Medicines) Regulation 2021 as amended from time to time and as published at View - Queensland Legislation - Queensland Government other than when it is prescribed to the practitioner by a registered health practitioner for a genuine personal therapeutic purpose.